Promotional write up with appropriate Technical Catalogue of Solar Panels and various Off Grid and On Grid Roof top installations, engineering in latest technology, with a top class technical support. Pl wait for various informative write up and tips in this page, including selection  , calculations , feasibility  studies
It is a Mumbai based Enginnering Sales and Support company for Solar Equipments, we are having a strong techenically experts team of graduate Enginners to analys with techenical add on features
Why solar? Both stand alone and grid tie solar energy system have big environmental benefits in the ever rising cost of energy.When you consider the running cost, solar invariably wins out of other power generating systems. Calculating the pay back cost overtime justify the initial cost of solar electric system. It is a totally Sun Light depented system , so the cost recovery ROI should be evaluated yearly basis
We are a team of companies and professionals, in association with major solar panel manufactures- Manufacturer of Solar Equipments provides with an understandin what customer needs and is trying to fulfil those requirements in appropriate span of time by supplying quality products with suitable price.
  1. Branded OKAYA AND JOY BIKE E.V Scooters and Cycles Sales with Servicing and Conversion too.
Our customers belong to Government, Semi Government Companies, Churches, Institutions, Residents, Clubs, Hotels.and charging station Garages to list a few
For more Panels information, Kindly visit our associates Waaree, Vikram Solar,Renewsys, Adani !!!! We use reputed ,MNRE aproved make only